Home » Blog » Why should I care about my ‘online reputation’?

Why should I care about my ‘online reputation’?

What is meant by ‘Online Reputation’?
Imagine the scene: let’s say you’re a professional architect based in Bristol!

You type the name

of your firm into Google, and scan the first page.

But instead of seeing your website in the number one spot, as it is usually.

Right at the top of the page is a site that unflatteringly mentions your company name in the title .

Together with a list of client grievances in the snippet of text below the heading.

This effectively damages the reputation you have been india mobile number data building as an approachable professional at the top of your field.

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At first you might get some concerned emails from current clients.

But you would then almost certainly begin to see the level of enquiries from your website tailing off.

This one link alone could seriously damage your credibility and reputation on the web. In this case, all publicity is not good publicity.

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For most this is a merely a hypothetical nightmare scenario.

Yet this example illustrates an important point: whatever your online presence, it is worth considering paying attention to your reputation on the internet.

It’s one thing to try and get your website ranked highly on Google, but if you aren’t also paying attention to what people might actually see when they use Google to find scary numbers to call: 25 creepy and terrifying phone numbers we should never call you, then you risk that online visibility undermining your reputation and all your hard work.

How do you get an ‘online reputation’?
A business’s online reputation is constructed out of any information pertaining to that company on the internet.

This comes from your website (of course, it is important that you japan data communicate the key aspects of your business in the design of your website) but also from any other site that links to it, or uses your name.

With the increasing use of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, the sources from which potential clients can hear about your services are exponentially multiplying.

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