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WhatsApp Business Tutorial: Sending a Newsletter via WhatsApp

If you think that newsletters are a practice that is only done by email, you are in time to correct it and test the effectiveness of them when you send them by WhatsApp. Just follow a few short steps to keep your most loyal customers informed about the latest news, promotions and updates of your business. Of course, keep in mind that sending newsletters by WhatsApp is not the same as doing it by email, there are certain things you should know to avoid becoming spam.

Customers who have your business number saved in their phone expect positive news from you: a special discount, the addition of new items, promotions on the most popular products, tips, interesting news and more. You can do all of these things if you know how to send newsletters via WhatsApp. We show you a tutorial so you can learn how to do it!

First of all, what are newsletters? (+ how to use them on WhatsApp)

There is no complex definition to define newsletters. They are information bulletins that are sent with a certain regularity to a list of loyal customers or subscribers who voluntarily agreed to receive information from a company or personality.

But what information do newsletters contain? Typically, they include news about the brand (updates, policy changes, new locations, etc.); special promotions, telemarketing data valuable content, relevant news about the niche, and much more.

While they activate that feature, we show you how to send newsletters via WhatsApp with the current tools. Let’s take a look!

Step-by-step tutorial: How to send newsletters via WhatsApp

If you have already decided what type of content to send in the form of a newsletter, we will explain the easiest way to do it on WhatsApp. Follow this tutorial and apply it to your business.

telemarketing data

Step 1: Define what you want to send

Before you get to the operational part, you need to be very clear about what you want to communicate. Always think about why you want to send a newsletter. Are you looking to sell more? Do you want to introduce new products? Do you want to see how your audience reacts to a specific strategy?

The idea is that your newsletter strategy is not seen as simple mass messages, but rather that it has a purpose: to communicate trends, news, promotions, relevant news and more.

Tips for sending newsletters via WhatsApp without failing

The key to successful WhatsApp newsletters is NOT to overuse them. Many customers do not like the idea of ​​constantly receiving messages from businesses.

Therefore, to ensure that your WhatsApp newsletter strategy is effective, we share 4 valuable tips with you:

#1 Ask your customers to subscribe to your newsletter

Have you ever visited a website that asks for your email address to receive a newsletter? This same practice should be applied to WhatsApp. Sending this type of newsletter without the consent of users is in very bad taste: it affects your image and you run the risk of being blocked.

Therefore, look for strategies to get them to accept receiving your newsletter. When they contact you, ask them if they want to receive interesting information, browse through the various sections, you will notice that exclusive content and special promotions in your newsletters.

#2 Define a sending frequency

Although many do it, sending a daily newsletter can be detrimental to any business. If it is detrimental to email, imagine what it is like on WhatsApp.

To avoid annoying users, it is best to define which days you will send your newsletters. You can use a weekly or biweekly frequency, so you will have more time to create quality content.

Lean on ChatGPT to help you write content.

#3 Segment your audience and send different newsletters

One strategy that can work for you is to segment your customers and send them different newsletters based on their tastes and preferences.

Since you have the option to create multiple mailing lists, you can add contacts who are interested in a particular product or topic. That’s why it’s key to get to know your contacts beforehand and know what their interests are.

Analyze your audience data carefully. If you find this difficult, rely on a CRM and its customer management tools.

#4 Send valuable content

As you have read throughout the article, what you communicate is what really matters. If you send newsletters just to get through the situation, it is very difficult for your community of clients to become loyal to your business.

You need to make every customer look forward to receiving your newsletter. With these newsletters you need to educate, inform, provide valuable tips and advice, relevant news about the industry you operate in, unique content, coupons, special promotions and more.

If you plan to add photos, images and files, canada data try to create unique and quality designs. Avoid generic and pixelated images, and when you send multimedia files, include accompanying text.

Sending newsletters via WhatsApp is easier if you integrate a CRM like Whaticket

With Whaticket you can manage more than 1000 daily chats and give your WhatsApp superpowers. It’s the tool you need to increase your customers’ satisfaction level!

Enjoy a centralized inbox for Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp; perform real-time monitoring, activate chatbots and connect up to 10 agents to the same WhatsApp number, all from one place.

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