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Every marketing project must have objectives, right? However, we understand that these are not always easy to create, measure and track.
Rock Content Editor
Reading time: 4 minutes
Any business project, whether it is sales, marketing , HR, legal, among others, is based on objectives that must be met to reach a goal, right? However, to achieve chinese thailand data them it is necessary to first determine whether they are achievable and, of course, measurable.
The problem of indeterminable or, in some cases, unattainable objectives is not exclusive to your company – if you are going through it – and, to solve this problem, there is no better solution than relying on SMART objectives.
Want to know what they’re all about? Keep reading!
What are SMART goals?
SMART or “intelligent” objectives are a methodology that prioritizes the determination of team goals based on strategically chosen objectives that are achievable by the organization.
In other words, they identify those essential points for the group’s advancement based on specific conditions that can serve as a growth map for the company.
SMART is an acronym for Specific , Measurable , Attaible , Relevant , and Timely .
What this means is that SMART objectives seek to select business objectives that are:
Specific : that are directed towards a particular area or task.
Measurable : based on company KPIs that serve to measure efficiency and improve decision-making.
Achievable : thinking about the current situation of the organization to ensure a high probability of success.
Relevant : that is, they are of real interest to the company and guide it towards greater growth and evolution.
On time : with an expiration date.
What are SMART goals for?
The methodology is capable of guiding an organization towards various benefits such as:
Improve business vision
Recognizing the strengths, weaknesses and, in general, the reality of a business allows for making correct and contextualized decisions to optimize each area.
By setting smart goals instead of just determining some targets without much information about whether they are achievable or not, you will have in your hands a map based on a broad and detailed perspective of the elements, resources and actions necessary to reach them.
Prioritize the important over the urgent
Many companies we see out there base their day-to-day operations on “putting out fires” that occur in their processes. These organizations, by occupying a significant michael franco part of their resources in urgent tasks, forget to invest in what will make them grow instead of sustain themselves.
SMART objectives, in this sense, help to identify the initiatives that need to be carried out, how and for what purpose.
Thanks to this, a manager or decision-maker will be able to What is it what is it focus their actions on the things that will bring results, avoiding daily distractions that cause a waste of resources that lead nowhere except failure.
Generalized control
By being clear about the objectives that will lead the fans data company to success, you will be able to distribute material, human and financial resources exactly to the actions that will benefit your organization.
Something that will give you greater control over the company’s finances and the available human talent.
Improve profitability
Any business out there is looking for profitability, whatever it takes. By using SMART objectives as part of your core business , you gain access to a continuous improvement methodology that streamlines operations by clarifying the playing field for all players and acquiring a strategic profile that contributes to the fluidity of operations.
Without a doubt, through this initiative you will ensure that your entire team is “rowing” in the same direction, promoting productivity, efficiency and optimization in each area of your business.
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How to define your SMART goals?
As we know very well, sometimes learning how to do something by reading the theory is not the best. We will explain the step-by-step process to determine your SMART objectives through an example of a company that seeks to improve the conversion of leads to customers in its Content Marketing strategy .
Specific objectives
A specific objective means that there is no ambiguity, which is the same as having clear and detailed objectives for a specific task.
To achieve this, you have to identify:
what you want to achieve;
main obstacles;
who is responsible for carrying it out;
where the tasks will be executed.
For example: increase by 20% the clients coming from lead nurturing actions .
Measurable objectives
Without measuring progress, it is impossible to know if new strategies are working. A SMART objective must be, without a doubt, quantifiable in order to draw the summit of the mountain.
For example: through the CTR of emails at the bottom of the funnel.
Achievable goals
An achievable or realistic goal is defined as a result that is very likely to be achieved if various actions are taken.