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What happens if you work for years on a goal every day including weekends?

To answer the question briefly, nothing has to happen. Investing time in something is no guarantee of success. About 10 years ago I thought differently.

He was a consulting client at one time, but I can’t teach him much now. At least not at a business level. At one time, he had a one-man agency. Right now, he was renovating a 400 m2 space to turn it into impressive agency offices.

I ran into an old acquaintance.

He now has more than 32 people working for him. Salaries are not equivalent to success, but for me that’s a big achievement. The fact that your business is capable of sustaining the lives of others is very important. It’s one of my pillars of motivation for my “whys.”

When I told my wife what I had experienced, she asked me, “…why don’t we have that?” I was a little surprised by the question because we had also made a giant leap in the same period of time. “We wouldn’t invest so much money in refurbishing an office spain whatsapp number data because we don’t need it either…” was my justification. And it’s true. Our obsession would be to find new products to invest in. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have a nice office.

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Quite the contrary

If the business is focused on being an agency, having browsers change opt-in process for push notifications something representative can be an asset that is not only a cost but also helps attract clients. Apart from the fact that for the team you have a more pleasant environment to feel good and perform better.

I said it to him and dating data repeated it to my wife: “He deserves everything he has achieved.” A super-hardworking guy who worked 12 hours and more, including the weekend.

Living and working between two worlds

For me, it is more difficult to compete with someone like that today.

Working hard doesn’t get you on the path to success, but let’s say it increases your chances. We also like the idea of ​​living in two worlds: in Germany and Spain to be more specific. Summer in Alicante is nice but also very hot. Summer in Germany (except this one when it rains non-stop) can be milder and less intense. Winter in Germany is quite depressing.

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