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We need to attract this audience

We need to attract a similar audience. We need to work on segmenting our database or turn to external sources, e.g. LinkedIn, and segment audiences similar to the one we would meet at our event.
We need to create an attractive invitation and have the right technological solution . Since we don’t have a stand with large signs and plasma screens, we need to be able to create attractive online invitations and condense our key messages into an agenda.

2. Agenda

Our agenda must respond to needs. Obviously, many of them may be temporary, but this “emergency” situation will pass and we must work on the messages of our Value proposition.
In addition to our attractive agenda, we have to highlight physician database our speakers. Why are they interesting? Their experience, their knowledge, their qualities… and if we put a face to them on the invitation, even better.
The structure of the event should be simple, without too many topics to discuss and relatively short. If we get 45 minutes of total attention, that’s perfect. More is complicated (remember that our audience is at home). It’s important to open Q&A at the end and interact.

physician database

3. Follow-up

Follow-up is key. Thank those who attend. Thank those who register and don’t attend. Send both the necessary materials.
From here, if you have centralized your clients or prospects’ information in a CRM and an automated strategy , each of them will follow the customer journey you have designed. Some will be ready for a sales call, others will need to be sent more information, others will discard themselves commercially, etc.
As we said at the beginning, the key to success lies in important for google in simple words the strategy. Replacing one tactic with another requires rethinking the objectives of the tactics and trying to replicate them in a new environment, in this case, the digital one.

If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us , we will be happy to help you.

5 tips for working from home and being productive

At the moment, many companies are opting for dating data remote working as the only way to maintain productivity. However, making the sudden switch to remote working is not always easy.

In this post we offer you 5 tips for working remotely so that you can stay productive and make the most of everything the digital environment has to offer.

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