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To start, you need to know what a Topic Cluster is

It refers to the way in which the contents of a website are relat to the main topic, that is, how they are structur. This model will organize and link the URLs together to make your pages rank among the first in Google. This structure is made up of three components: pillar content, cluster content and hyperlinks.


They will help the pages to position themselves better and give better answers to people.


What can we achieve with Topic Clusters?
Improve visibility in search engines for topics nurse database that are strategic for your brand.
Improve the architecture and structure of your website.
Allow search engines and users to find other relat content more easily.
Take advantage of the momentum that the rest of the topics will have if one of them is successful.

nurse database
The next concept that is important


For you to understand the whole set is Core Topic. This is the main topic around which the topic cluster will be organiz; it will be a generic term of no more than two or three words and that has a high number reviews that sell. why an online store needs them of searches and interest for the brand. However, in the case of subtopics, they will be more specific and will have a lower number of both competition and searches.

How to create a Pillar Page?

Once the concepts have been explain, it is time to take action.

You ne to think about which topics you want to rank high and then brainstorm these for blogs, bas on specific keywords that are relat to the main topic.

You should never forget what your Buyer Persona ‘s main dating data interests are ; you should choose a topic that is broad enough to be able to create more blogs bas on it but not so broad that it cannot be cover in a single pillar page.

A pillar page should answer any questions someone might have and should link to other pages or blogs that have more specific content on the topic being search.

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