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This is how we have planned 2024 in terms of sales on Amazon

It has been an interesting exercise, especially when done in a group. I have met with two of the most experienced people on my team to plan for 2024. I have decided that we are going to do it with two possible scenarios.

Results for the most conservative scenario

This scenario is the one I have used to do the financial planning for the company. You never want to have a plan that depends on everything going well, but rather take into account that there are things that can go wrong.

Within the conservative plan we have overseas data taken into account growth because the products we have right now allow us to have a larger turnover. In fact we expect to double the turnover in January compared to 2023.


overseas data

These figures will also be suitable for presenting to banks

It is a scenario that I am confident we will overcome, although it is clear that you never know.

If everything goes according to this plan help with lead generation we would be billing 1.4 million in 2024. These figures look good, but for the company we are it would simply allow us to cover costs. We already have a structure to scale. We need more sales for all this to make sense.

Results for the most ambitious scenario

One thing is clear to me. If this scenario comes true, it means that we are not being ambitious enough. These figures are not meant to be met, but to be stretched a little further towards the sky every day because we know that if we continue doing things well we can get very close to them.

I am not counting on this result for my day-to-day planning and even less for cash flow. It is rather a scenario that excites you because despite australia data being ambitious, it is not surreal. I have already said it once. When you have consecutive days with more than 10k in turnover, you get used to these figures and being below them gives you the feeling of having a bad result. That is good because you aspire to more every time you break a record. Ours is now at 13k in one day. In 2024 we have to break all records again.

In this plan we will reach 2.3 million euros. We will far exceed 2023. We are ready for it. Now we just have to keep making good decisions.

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