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The combined student population

This study made use of a survey research design. Malawi has four public universities. They include the University of Malawi (UNIMA), Mzuzu University (MZUNI), Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) and the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST). UNIMA has four constituent colleges namely Chancellor College (CHANCO), Kamuzu College of Nursing (KCN), the Polytechnic and College of Medicine (COM) while the other universities mobile phone only have one campus.

Although potentially 

seven study institutions exist, this research cover only five of them: MZUNI, LUANAR, the Polytechnic, COM and KCN. Libraries select for this study are affiliat to older and well-establish institutions except MUST which was establish in 2013 and did not have malta phone number library students in third, fourth and fifth years at the time of data collection. CHANCO was not includ in the study despite being older and well establish because permission was not secure to access the respondents. The combind student population in the institutions study exceed.

Research ethics mobile phone

malta phone number library

Self-completion structur questionnaires were administer to a sample of 370 students in years three, four, five and postgraduates with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%. A decision to limit the study to students in levels three to five was made because. They are involve in intensive research activities and hence capable of using their mobile phones for a wider range of purposes, including library use.

In total mobile phone

316 students out of the 370 sampl importance of integrating telegram into your digital strategy respond to the questionnaire representing an 85.4% response rate. Reliability of some of the questionnaire items in this study were determin by calculating the Cronbach’s. Alpha values of the variables in the questions. The Cronbach’s Alpha values were closer to 0.7. Which shows that the items in the questionnaires use had high levels of internal consistency mobile phone.

 was accomplish by, among others, getting gatekeepers’ permission. Before entering the study sites, and soliciting the inform consent ca cell numbers of the participants before administering the questionnaires. Data for this study was collect from November 2015 to March 2016 by the researcher. With the aid of five research assistants. The data collect was analys using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Version 23 for descriptive statistics which have been present in the form of tables and graphs.


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