Home » Techniques to increase your turnover on Amazon in summer

Techniques to increase your turnover on Amazon in summer

I just took a look at July 2023. In comparison, we will be 50% higher if sales continue at this rate. The products have changed. At least the order of the top sellers. There are some new ones on the list, but there is more overlap between products from one year and another than I would have expected.

Optimize or start with ads

We still have work to do here, at least for our own products. We have room for improvement in terms of launching new campaigns and optimising existing ones.

Summer for some sellers can be like Christmas vietnam whatsapp number data for others. There are products that sell especially well in summer. In our case, it is a beverage cooler that is on the best-seller list at this time of year.

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Optimize existing listings – A+ videos and content

I don’t know about you, but with the engine rankings suffer greatly if it amount of listings we manage, we don’t always launch new products with all the content ready. Videos are often missing and A+ content is almost always missing. What we wouldn’t do for clients is acceptable for our own products. Summer can be a time to tackle these pending tasks.

Experimenting with prices

Raising and lowering your price every 2-4 weeks is key to finding the optimal price for your product. Sometimes it means lowering it, but other times it can also mean raising it. If you do this, don’t forget to do checks and measure accurately so that it’s not just intuition and perception that you base your decisions on.

These are our techniques (there are more but they are specific to us) and so far they are working well for us. Could things be better? Of course they could. We are working on that.

Launch seasonal products

From October onwards you see more grey sky dating data than anything else. You can spend two weeks where you don’t see the sun. So it can make a lot of sense to travel between both worlds to get the best out of each place.

As I said, I’m not worried about getting older because I’ll continue doing what I do today: playing sports, working, spending time with friends and family. Nothing changes except the number of wrinkles on my face and the grey hairs on my head (if I’m lucky enough to keep my hair until then).

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