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“Talent is cheaper than common salt

In a podcast aimed at writers, it was said that he writes 100 adverbs by hand on paper every day to avoid using them in his texts. As a curiosity, King has the healthy habit of writing 2,000 words a day, no matter what happens.

What separates the talented individual from the successful individual is a lot of hard work.” Stephen King.

As you can see, daily practice is the only habit that will lead you to success. And when it comes to Email Marketing, that habit is writing one Email a day. Yes, one Email a day. Not one a month. Or one a week.

Before continuing you should know three things:

telegram database users list

This system works much better for solo-entrepreneurs and freelancers .
You should always share relevant and qualit telegram database users list y content for your Subscribers.
It is advisable to gradually increase the sending frequency up to one email per day, so that your Contact List will gradually get used to the new situation.
Benefits of creating (and sending) a daily email
1. It is often said that to make a sale, we need to create between 3 and 7 impacts on a potential customer.

When I say impact, I mean the number of connections made with potential customers through ads, posts, emails, etc.

Writing a daily email means you’ll be connecting with your community 365 times a year. That’s a lot of opportunities to close sales.

Plus, your competition writes at most one email a week. Which means you’re 7 times more likely to do business than them.

2. You may have heard that the money is in the Lis

A well, that’s not true. The money is in the quality of your relationship with the List . The more frequently you communicate with its members, the easier it is to build a relationship of trust.

For this reason, writing a daily email allows you to establish a strong bond with your community in much less time than your competition. That is a huge advantage.

3. Writing daily emails is a great way to position yourself as an expert in your sector.

Think about it, if someone is able to show off their knowledge every day, they must definitely be an expert.

Positioning yourself as a reference ensures a constant flow of clients and allo aque – which most ws you to increase the price of your products and services.

4. When you get into the habit of writing daily, your ability to communicate your ideas with ease (and through any medium) will increase exponentially.

Not only is it good for all your business communications, whether written uk data  in person or over the phone, but it will also benefit you in your private life.

As you can see, writing a daily email has many advantages. I write one a day to my community. And I think you should do it too. You will close more sales, your clients will buy from you for longer and you will become a reference in your sector.


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