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Students owned only one mobile phone

.Findings are group below according to ownership of mobile phones, their internet capabilities, access to library resources and reference services, and factors impacting mobile phone usage in libraries.Mobile phone ownership ownership is one of the key determining factors for mobile phone use. It was for this reason that the researcher investigat general ownership of among students. The study findings show that ownership among students was very high with many of them owning one or more devices. Almost all students own a whilst only one indicat that he or she did not own a mobile phone.

The high ownership mobile phone

Rates mexico phone number library of observ in the current study resemble findings made in several other studies. A study carrie out by Becker, Bonadie-Joseph and Jonathan (2013) at Hunter College in New York (USA) found that 98.7% of the students own mobile phones. Studies by Dewah and Mutula (2013) in Zimbabwe,  De Wee (2013) in South Africa and Fasae and Adegbilero-Iwari (2015) in Nigeria similarly record very high mobile phone ownership rates among students.

Three hundred and fourteen mobile phone

mexico phone number library

out of the 315 students that indicat that they own respond to the question that sought to find out the number of mobile phones they owned. Findings reveal that, whereas 215 , a significant part of the student body, ninety owned two. Seven students own three and two  students own more than three mobile phones. These findings imply that, as much as single ownership of a was prevalent, dual and multiple ownership was increasingly becoming a trend which reflects what was the 12 best website builders of 2024 found in studies conduct by De Wee (2013) in South Africa where students report owning more than one mobile phone.

Internet capability of the mobile phones owned by students

As already indicate, the scope of the activities one can perform using a is determin. By the capabilities of the device owned. Internet-capable.Commonly referr to as smartphones, have bigger screens and possess more computing ca cell numbers power than older, a development that enables them to perform more functions. Considering that most library services are now web-base. the study probe internet capabilities of the owned by students to get a picture of the students’ capacity to access web-base library services using the web.

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