team has reviewed and approved your account, you will be able to add your bank account.
To submit your personal details, you can scroll back and click on “add a bank account” under the “Subscription Price” section.
You can also add your bank details by clicking on the profile icon in the top right corner. This will open a side menu, in this menu click on “Add bank (to earn)”.
On the next page, add your country of residence and click the age verification circle to confirm that you are at least 18 years old. Once you are done, click “Next.”
On the next pageou need to add your
Proper name
Last name
PostalZIP code
You can also add your Twitter and Instagram account names, but these are optional.
Under your personal information, you must upload a government-issued photo ID. Under “Document Type” click and choose the ID you want to upload, you can upload the following types of ID:
ID card
Driver license
When uploading your ID photos, make sure the file size isn’t too large. I tried uploading a 7MB photo and it was “too big,” but when I uploaded a 3MB version of th canada telegram data e photo it was accepted, so try to keep the size under 5MB or 6MB.
Next you need to add the
ID’s expiration date or click the circle next to “No expiratio operating a brand online store n date” if your ID doesn’t have an expiration date. adult content, you need to check the circle under “Explicit Content.”
Once you’re done, the “Submit for Approval” butto n should now be blue instead of grey, click on it to submit your details. It takes 48 hours for your acc bw lists ount to be approved.
Add a bank account: Step 2: Add your bank account and set your monthly subscription price