What are the technical and human qualities to acquire to become a project manager in digital, and thus meet the nes of recruiters? We take stock for you!
Learn all about the hard and soft skills requir for a career in project management. ©Alex from the Rock – stock.adobe.com
Are you interest in web project management? Do you want to move into or retrain in this field that is recruiting talent on the job market? According to the GEN_SCAN observatory , as of September 30, 2024, the family of jobs designat under the name Management / Steering / Strategy ranks 3rd among the most sought-after profiles currently on the job market (21%), behind Development, testing and Ops (2nd at 24%) and Security, cloud, network (1st at 36%).
But what are the main project management skills expect by recruiters, in order to meet their nes? What are the hard and soft skills that will allow you to stand out from other candidates? Here are the 5 essential skills to master to achieve your professional project while evolving in a constantly evolving technological environment.
Training in project management
1. Know and implement Agile methodologies
Agile methodologies bring together a set of principles, methods and best practices, which are us by digital project management professionals. Their objective: to gain efficiency while promoting flexibility, communication between the different stakeholders as well as customer satisfaction. They are characteriz by their iterative approach: a project is broken down into short cycles, call sprints. This type of organization makes it possible to deliver project elements more australia whatsapp number data quickly and to adapt to changes, by regularly readjusting according to the customer’s nes.
Here are the main Agile methodologies to know:
Scrum: it is bas on an iterative and incremental development cycle bas on sprints with an average duration of 2 to 4 weeks. They are supervis by the product owner and the Scrum Master, who orchestrate and coordinate the work carri out by the web development teams, designers and marketers. Each iteration has a specific objective and promotes continuous improvement until the project is deliver.
Kanban: This visual organization
method is bas on a table represent in the form of columns, for the different stages of the this is a screenshot of the online process, and a set of cards, for each task to be carri out. It allows you to visualize the current workflow more quickly, improve cmo email list priority management, and thus optimize productivity and the quality of deliverables by limiting, for example, the volume of cards (or tasks) to be assign to each employee.