Products are corporate customers while the users of cend products are individual consumers therefore the . Bend product manager andin the world of brand marketing creating controversy and confrontation seems to . Have become a strategy adopted by some brands in order to quickly attract attention however . Is this shortterm exposure really worth it in todays highly competitive market environment some brands . Are willing to create confrontational and controversial topics in order to quickly attract public attention . Although this method may bring a lot of exposure in a short period of time .
The Risks and Threats Hidden Behind It
The risks and threats hidden behind it cannot be ignored the reason why these brands . Are keen on creating confrontational and controversial russia email list topics is mainly because in the era of . Information explosion brands need to find a way to quickly catch the publics attention due . To their inherent drama and conflict confrontational topics can often attract widespread attention in a . Short period of time in addition compared with traditional advertising and marketing activities the cost . Of marketing using confrontational topics is relatively low brands only need to invest a small .
Amount of Resources to Trigger Largescale Discussions
Amount of resources to trigger largescale discussions on social media some brands may also hope . To attract specific consumer groups by creating they sit amazon exams and learn confrontational topics especially young people who like to . Participate in social discussions and express their opinions if these three challenges are met product . Managers will only continue to appreciate good product managers are very scarce product managers who . Understand users business and data are still in high demand after leaving the internet on . The contrary if a product manager only does simple messaging inefficient execution and shallow thinking .
He May Not Be Able to Survive
He may not be able to survive the torrent of the next years view details . However this strategy poses many threats and risks to brands first cell p data opposing topics are prone . To trigger negative emotions which may cause brands to be labeled negatively such as racism . Sexism etc once such negative labels are formed it is difficult to eliminate them in . A short period of time and may even have an irreversible impact on the longterm . Development of the brand for example in an advertising marketing campaign launched by an international .