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Novosibirsk talk about the happiness

We have already improv the presentation on the site, add new functions notifications to Telegram and email, hot keys, import of services, the ability to close an appointment for a day. Right now, another development cycle is underway, after which we will release the next batch of updates. One of them will be very important and large.

Materials on the topic “Street

Cash Reinvest in Happiness and Mindfulness Technologies” Startupers from  index, investments, and “geese in their heads.” The service invites “both an eyebrow specialist and an HR specialist” to work. Why such a cool mix of everyone at once? Because online booking is not only about nails and haircuts. After the pandemic, many people ne online booking.

Psychologists, mentors, lawyers everyone

Who consults and provides intellectual services remotely. Now, when we see who uses our service, we notice the most unusual ways to use “Windows”. – For example? For example, one man from the Murmansk region uses our service to book people band database for excursions in the tundra.


band database


Another a master in installing doors and windows

To request measurements. The service is us by veterinarians, tutors, and yoga trainers. When we made “Windows,” we didn’t even imagine that our baidu public opinion monitoring helps service could be us in these areas. The design of “Windows” turn out to be neutral: it does not claim to be only for the beauty industry, or only for micine, or only for digital.

It is for everyone who works for

Themselves and accepts clients by appointment. We unite people by lifestyle, approach and attitude. Our users are active people, masters of their craft, and the usa data field of activity is not so important to us. At what rate are you growing? The growth was small in the first two months; now it’s a three-digit number of users.

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