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Net Promoter Score – What is this metric and why do you need it?

Even if you don’t know what the NPS index is, you’ve probably encountered it. For example, when you received an email asking, “How likely are you to recommend our company on a scale of 0 to 10?” The answers to this question are used to calculate the customer loyalty score.

Net Promoter


Score is a “customer loyalty index” or “willingness to recommend index,” and today two-thirds of Fortune 1000 companies use it. Intuit product managers have been checking NPS every day since its invention 17 years ago.

NPS first became popular in 2003 after Frederick Reichheld’s article in the Harvard Business Review. He presented the results of a study aimed at finding out how customer loyalty affects a company’s growth rate. Having australia phone number data measured the NPS of more than 400

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American companies, Reichheld found that the average across industries was 16%, while giants like eBay and Amazon had 75%. The conclusion was obvious.

The only way to profitable growth is for a company to make its regular customers essentially its marketing department.

From the article The One Number You Need to Grow
The article had its critics, but during this time NPS has proven its effectiveness. Today, it is used not only in business, but also in many other industries. For example, it is used by the UK National Health Service.

How NPS is calculated

The company asks customers to rate the likelihood that they will before we can really talk about the interest pillar recommend it to friends and acquaintances on a ten-point scale. Those who give from zero to 6 are considered critics, 7-8 are neutral consumers, 9-10 are loyal (“promoters”). Then the percentage of each segment is calculated, critics are subtracted from loyal ones – and NPS is obtained.

If all customers are critics, NPS will be -100, supporters – 100. A number above zero is already good
The beauty of the method is that it can be used to measure india data anything: how convenient it is to place an order on a website, the work of a delivery service, or even an individual call center employee. How to do this? We’ll tell you using the example of our new product, Net Promoter Score.

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