We list the 3 main stages of the conversion funnel, however, these stages can be subdivided according to your users.
The goal is to have fewer stages over time so that the conversion is more direct , but if your blog or website is already up and running, you should already have an idea of the path that users follow towards the objective, you just need to do an analysis.
The first question you can ask yourself is where your visitors are coming from, so you can focus your efforts on attracting them in that way.
Secondly, you need to understand wha austria phone number list percentage of people move on to the next level and what path they have followed . You need to find out which strategies you have used that have been most effective so that you can continue to work on and optimize them.
3. Measure users at each stage
Along the path of your conversion funnel, you can ask users to make small conversions so that they leave you signals that you can measure. This way, you will know what helps you most to guide them on the right path.
Evaluate the users who reached you and those who converted . Try to evaluate the paths they followed and optimize it more and more so that it gives you better results.
Just as the sales funnel does not end when a sale is made, the conversion funnel does not end with the conversion.
Remember that the goal is to create an increasingly stronger hire a freelancer to develop a mobile app bond so that the user eventually becomes a customer. That’s why you must constantly work on each cycle.
Digital Marketing Strategies for Each Stage of the Funnel
Now that you know how to create an effective conversion funnel, we will show you some digital marketing strategies that you can use at each stage.
Strategies for TOFU
At this stage, the goal is to capture the attention of the user vioffer browsing the Internet. To do this, you must know where most of your buyer personas come from and invest in that source.
Social networks
Sharing your content on social media can help you increase traffic to your domain . If you don’t already do this and want to increase your audience’s visits, you can start sharing your content at different times to try to attract the attention of the audience you want to reach.
Participating in groups where the topic you cover is discussed can also be a good idea. And when someone has a question about a topic you have covered in your domain, you can provide the clarification they are looking for and add a link to your content if they want more information.
This is a job that requires care, however, it brings very good results, not only to attract more traffic , but also to increase the authority of your brand.
However, you should be careful to share content only when it is actually useful to the user . Be careful not to overdo it and be labeled as a spammer. This, apart from not helping you, will harm your brand image.
Paid Ads
You can also promote your content on social media with paid ads. To do this, you must segment your audience well so that you reach your Buyer Persona and obtain greater conversion efficiency.
Paid ads on search engines like Google can also help you attract more readers to your domain. However, you should also take advantage of Google Ads tools to be able to publish effective ads.
Organic traffic
Organic traffic is , without a doubt, the greatest desire of every business that has an online presence and to achieve it you must optimize your content so that the search engine values it.
Creating content with a focus on SEO is essential to achieve good positioning and greater visibility for your website or blog. Therefore, it is worth investing a lot in this resource.
Marketing directions have changed. If before directions were word of mouth, today social media and digital media in general have made them different.
When a user shares content, whether by email, WhatsApp or social media , they are making an indication , so it is worth incentivizing them. This can even be an objective of the many conversions you work on in your domain.
Valuable content
Creating valuable content is a strategy that applies to all stages of the conversion funnel , since this is the only way to convert the user.
Valuable content will be responsible for helping you build relationships with readers and gain their trust, which is essential for a quick conversion.
Strategies for MOFU
Creating content that delves deeper into topics that can solve users’ pain points is one of the best strategies to help them move toward understanding.
For this reason, you must be dynamic and provide an excellent user experience while on your website or blog.
Diversify the type of content you offer. You can create video content, infographics, and interactive content . The more variety you can offer, the greater the chances of retaining different types of users.
And since we mentioned interactive content, you should know that this is one of the best ways to generate organic data from your users that will help you get to know them better and find out and more tools to guide them towards your goal.