Home » Recorded messaging technology allows companies to reduce communication costs by up to 95%

Recorded messaging technology allows companies to reduce communication costs by up to 95%

The costs of paper, printing, envelopes and postage, as well as the long wait for the letter or contract to reach the recipient, are no longer a reality for companies that have invested in the dematerialization of physical mail. Registered Messages can be sent by SMS or email, and can be used as legal proof of the relationship between companies and customers. With the help of technology, these messages are used to communicate payments or delay deadlines; send simulations, contracts, policies and claims; confirm and terminate contracts; confirm payment; send contract change information; and still warn about service interruptions.

The registered message strategy is an investment in reducing costs

while increasing the speed and efficiency of communication processes with your customers. While a letter can take about three days to reach the recipient, the Registered Message takes 2 seconds to send the same information by SMS or email,” explains the Head of Global Sales at E-goi Digital Solutions , Ernesto Ferreira.

The company, which develops custom chile phone number resource marketing automation solutions. Found that clients saw a 50-95% reduction in costs from transitioning from physical mail to registered messages. In addition to significant savings, we have a positive environmental impact considering there are no roles and transportation involved in this process. Other benefits include efficiency; automation from sending to recording legal documentary evidence; and security, as data is stored and encrypted on secure servers, accessible only through a single digital key,” says Ferreira.

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How it works

Recorded messages can be sent by email (via API or SMTP with the client’s domain) or by SMS (via API, with direct connection dedicated to operators). Following secure access protocols. Which guarantee end-to-end encryption, with reputation. Ensuring full control of the 10 training courses to improve your digital marketing skills deliverability. Then, the delivery of the message, the sender’s behavior in terms of openings, clicks. The response and all the contents and attachments present in the communication are recorded. Therefore, After this stage, e-goi, as a trusted service provider. Issues a certificate with the complete technical report and a qualified signature, valid for 12 years. Confirming the date and time of issue. A unique key is generated and the evidence is stored on an iso 27001 certified server. The evidence is accessible for consultation or extraction. Through a web interface accessible to the client.

It is a simple and fast technical integration

Therefore, We develop tailor-made solutions. According dating data to the client’s needs, with technology and authentications to ensure the best deliverability. We control the entire process, with more than 15 years of experience in technology for sending electronic communications. Which allows for fast, scalable and dedicated sending,” concludes the Head of Global Sales at E-goi Digital Solutions.

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