Home » Managing your Online Reputation: Google

Managing your Online Reputation: Google

“Google Snippet – What’s that?”
As much as some social media marketers seem to think that Google exists in order to showcase their linking abilities.

Google’s ultimate aim is to help people find the pages that will be most helpful and relevant to them.

One of the methods

Google uses to help searchers find relevant results is the ‘snippet’.

this is the little snatch of text which you see below the title of a webpage when you look at the Google search engine results page (or SERPs, if you lebanon phone number data want to use technical lingo).

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You might imagine that this the text displayed here is simply a matter of.

Google’s discretion (or lack thereof, depending on how much you approve of what it says).

Actually, it’s a little of both. The Google snippet for your site can vary, depending on the search keywords typed into the box.

For example

a firm of divorce solicitors which also has homepage content about personal injury law.

may well find that for these queries, Google bypasses the ‘official’ page description (what the website designer has placed into the homepage; usually includes the approved keywords) in order to search for text about personal injury law on the homepage and displays this in the snippet instead.

This text may be less relevant for the firm, it may be incomplete, or it may not make sense; for example, the term ‘will writing solicitor Bristol’ when checked recently, brought up one solicitor’s firm – not its homepage but a sub-page – with the following snippet:

It’s clear that paying attention to your snippet is worthwhile, or you replace your events with webinars. keys to a good strategy may find that the wrong impression is being given to those who come across your site via a Google Search.

1. Title and Meta-Description
Take the time – or ask your website designer – to set a meta-description and title for your homepage which contains your keywords, but in a carefully structured, positive sentence about your company – one which japan data you would be happy having displayed.

This allows your target terms to be more easily read by Google and could improve the chances of your carefully crafted descriptions appearing in the snippet when your keywords are searched for.

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