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That’s why she challenged public servants to

That’s why she challenged public servants to lead with compassion and urgency. “Fellow leaders in social justice, this is our time to lift up what is working, and change that pervasive narrative, and level the playing feel of inequality,” she said.

This blog post is a recap of a session

That took place at the recent Next Generation of Government Summit. Want to see more great insights that came out of NextGen? Head here. Photo by pan xiaozhen on Unsplash Favorite I’d like to focus my contributions to GovLoop on managing projects in the presence of the uncertainties encountered in federal, state, and local domains to increase the probability of project success.

Through my experiences on federal programs

Prime contractors working these programs, I’ve come to understand there are five immutable principles of project success. These five botim database principles are applicable to any project in any domain, not just government. The five principles for increasing the probability of success for any project are: What does Done look like? Successful projects deliver business or technical capabilities to solve a problem, accomplish a mission, provide a service.

special data

Those paying for project bought this capability,

The cost expenditures, not the documentation, the test results, or the processes that delivered the capabilities. These are all needed, but they are of requestsdesiresthe beforeafter technique is not the value of the project. For success, the project must deliver tangible beneficial outcomes, assessed in units of measure meaningful to the decision makers. How do we reach Done as planned? First, we need a plan. Plans are strategies for success. Strategies are hypotheses. Hypotheses require tests to confirm their validity.

These tests are the outcomes of the work

The schedule ‒ measured against the needed capabilities of the buyer. The plan has to state these up front, otherwise, we’ll never recognize Done. Do rich data  we have enough time, money, and resources to reach Done? A resource loaded schedule is required to assure our plan has the proper probability of success. What impediments will be encountered along our way to Done?

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